Saturday, September 11, 2010

Dressed for Success... For Tomorrow?

Well, today... I did a bad thing... or a REALLY good thing. Judgment will hold for another week or so until the decision is in.

Anyway, today I went to Academy and spent... more than I should have... on athletic clothes meant to inspire me to begin my work out regime. I mean I look good now... there is no reason why I can't begin wedding bootcamp.

If only OC had ellipticals, treadmills, and workout equipment that sports teams ARE NOT ALLOWED to use. It's a major bummer to get all psyched out to work and then end up waiting at least half an hour to get on a machine. And don't even try to use the weights. Those basketball players don't share. (When does basketball season start again? Do you really need to use the weights every day for at least 2 hours, not including the time you stare at yourself in the window?)

Fitness is one area that I have neglected since being engaged and it's also one area that I care greatly about. I want to make sure that Oklahoma is good to me this year, and I don't gain excess weight while here.

So, now that I have my yoga pants, running cold gear, running shorts, and sweat-wicking t-shirts, I'm ready to go work out... AFTER I do homework and eat dinner. I'll get to it eventually :)

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