Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The only thing I love more than a good workout is a FREE workout. Classes are so expensive and living in a 2nd floor apartment means no cardio videos... Thankfully I found these two GREAT options for pilates and yoga workouts that don't involve me paying muchos dinaros to do.

If you go to http://www.yogajournal.com/podcast/, there is a free yoga podcast featuring moves for all levels of yoga practicers. It's very well done and only about 20 minutes long.

The second one is called POP pilates. If you go to youtube and type in pop pilates, many different 10 minute workouts pop up. (http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=pop+pilates&aq=f) Many are set to music and are so much fun! And from personal experience... they will kick your butt. LOVE THEM!!!! Just wanted to pass on this free opportunity to stay in the workout zone all year long!