Sunday, July 17, 2011

America's Pastime

There is one HUGE reason I look forward to summer... besides the fact that I'm out of school for a few months, the weather is warm, and my legs actually get to see the light of day. I love summer because it brings baseball season with it!

I mean who doesn't love a good hot dog or brat, ice cold drinks, and listening to the consessions guy yelling "cracker jacks and peanuts" as he walks up and down the aisle. I mean it really is a paradise. There's nothing like it: the cheering, the smell of fresh cut gross, the awkward sunburns, the cursing of old men... it is a once in a life time experience.

The nice thing about baseball is that at the start of every new year, the teams are hopeful for a good season. This is especially important since my Rockies rarely ever show much potential beyond that of a 500 season. Every April I see the beginning of my dream of Rockies domination and World Series win... then every July I put my expectations to rest... My Rockies never let me down, but they never show enough talent, skill, and consistency to take them to the World Series. Nevertheless, they wake up everyday and play ball. I love that.

Today I had the opportunity to go to a game... which unfortunately ended in a loss. I mean what did I expect? They haven't won while I was at the game for years now. Sometimes I think I'm there jinx :( But it was so much fun to sit with family and enjoy America's pastime. I hope I get another opportunity again soon, but until then... GOOOOO ROCKIES!!!!!!!

(P.S. Until I'm sure I'm not the team jinx, I think I'll stay away from the stadium in hopes of increasing their chances of a playoff position :D)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Reality Sent a BIG Check

I began married life as most couples do... with the honeymoon. And like many people, I quickly was living in a blissful world where there were no responsibilities or stresses or problems.
See??? Clearly I'm living in happy land where everything is always rainbows and butterflies. That's why when I stepped off the plane after Mexico, I had a very tiny little panic attack. Suddenly I was faced with more responsibility than I was sure I was ready to handle. Then, we got back to our apartment and found something that looked a little like this.
BILLS. I'm not going to say that I'm a super nieve person and thought that housing paid for itself, but I never realized how much money you have to pay for things like electricity and water. And I had no idea start up fees for all the electricity and water and such even existed. Being a responsible adult really is not the walk in the park I was fooled into thinking. Apparently there isn't a bill fairy that magically takes care of all the bills. Such a bummer.

On the upside, owning my own apartment has drastically changed the way I clean my apartment. For those who thought I was a slob, you could eat off my floors now. Andy and I are doing so great at keeping a clean and tidy house. I hope this perk of responsibility remains!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

From the Single Life to New Wife

Well folks, in all the excitement of the end of school, my missions trip to Honduras, and most importantly MY WEDDING... it has been quite some time since my last post. Since march, I've gone from single girl to married woman. Let me tell you... the transformation was less than impressive. If you were hoping for a blog about how different life is and how much I've changed... you are about to be severely disappointed.

Life is the same today as it was three months ago. The only difference is that I'm no longer spending my free time tying bows, making returns to hobby lobby, and mapping out wedding day timelines. Now I get quality time with my husband, time to read, and time to relax and enjoy my last summer break. Life feels right and no different than my previous life chapters, which makes me so happy since change is not something I am great at accepting.

I will say one thing about married life though. It's like a clean slate, a new beginning, both of which I'm embracing wholeheartedly! I get a new schedule, new habits, new attitude, new priorities and chores... and a new apartment :) I'm willing to take life in a different direction and, I can't wait to see where we will go!